Friday, June 11, 2010

Blogging Teens

Every day, blogs are created by people of all ages but when it comes to blogging,teens writers are truly on the cutting edge of the movement. Because today's teenagers are the first generation of people to have grown up using the internet at every stage of their development, many adolescents have a seemingly innate sense of how to use web technology to express their innermost thoughts and ideas. Older writers often experience a kind of learning curve when they begin to blog, but many young people find that using a word processor and blogging software feels more natural and direct a mode of communication than writing in a diary ever could.

One of the reasons why blogs have undergone a kind of explosion in the teen community and are growing by leaps and bounds is the fact that they provide a unique mixture of visibility and anonymity. A teenager can invite friends and peers to read his or her blog with a simple email, thereby winning attention or possibly even praise. Of course, with visibility usually comes the possibility of embarrassment, but the fact that it is possible to blog anonymously with an invented handle or nickname negates a lot of the potential for humiliation. Many blogger lives in fear that a parent or guardian will discover his or her blog, but by publishing under an alias a teenager can spill his or her secrets without fear of being traced.

Teen writers often have very limited opportunities to be published. Magazines and journals are often reticent to publish young writers who may not have as much credibility as older writers with a lot of experience and extensive credits to their names. This can discourage dolescents from writing or from seeking chances to publish their work. By blogging, young people can begin to gain a following of readers without first having to win the attention and support of an editor or publisher who may not be very interested in teenage authors.

Between the fact that blogs provide young people with a chance to exercise their impressive technical aptitude,to gain visibility without compromising privacy, and to build a readership for their writing without having to jump through the traditional hoops of the publishing industry, it is little wonder that are so many teenagers with blogs. For some teenagers, blogging is even a very social endeavor that allows them to meet people with similar interests from all over the world. Many bloggers has discovered that having a weblog on the internet is a great way to explore self-expression and, often, to win positive feedback from new friends.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Personal Blogging, Documentary, and History

When it comes to personal blogging, documentary is the default genre. there's plenty of blogs that serve other functions, but plenty of blogs are primarily catalogues of the life experiences of their author. Although there are a few blogs that focus on collecting poetry and other forms of creative writing, the vast majority of personal blogs are in some sense documentaries.

For plenty of years, the act of making a documentary was meant to be an objective act of reporting the sights and sounds that the filmmaker, writer, or photographer
encountered. However, in contemporary times there has been a movement towards embracing the subjectivity inherent in the documentary form. This means that
modern documentaries often reflect the distinctive voice & sensibility of their creator, & the fact that todays documentaries often revolve around personality
blurs the lines between documentary & memoir. Blogs rest somewhere between these two genres, muddying the distinctions even further. Personal blogging,
documentary, & memoir are now irrevocably intertwined, for better or for worse.

Although few bloggers think of themselves as making documentaries in any formal sense, every time anyone sits down in front of a computer & types up a record of their day, they are documenting their own historical moment. The things that they take for granted about our daily lives, like the way that they use specific
modes of transportation, or the kinds of products that they buy, often seem fascinating to people who live in circumstances different from ours, & it is this kind of fascination that is at the heart of plenty of documentary projects. When people think about blogging,documentary is not likely to be the first adjectivethat crosses their minds, but a few decades down the road it is likely that todays blogs will be seen primarily as subjective documentaries of our era.
The people of tomorrow will certainly look to the blogs of today for insight into our historical moment.

When it comes to blogging, documentary may not be the objective of most people who spend their time posting their thoughts & ideas on the web. In some ways,the documentary aspect of blogging is more of a side effect than a primary objective. However, the fact that so lots of people are interested in publishing these public
online diaries shows that personal blogs are about more than rumination. The fact that bloggers are so stimulated by & interested in sharing their ideas with
each other reinforces the idea that personal blogs are,in some ways, documentaries meant for public consumption. Documentaries appeal to people who are curious about other ways of life, & plenty of people who regularly read others personal blogs are looking for this same kind of new perspective.